Taming Beauty by Lynne Barron

Taming Beauty - Lynne Barron

Fun semi-short read. It starts with Lilith taking her younger sister to her soon-to-be husband as a favor to their father, but there is more to this favor than meets the eye.

True to his author’s style, there were plenty of twists, end pieces to connect, and complex characters that kept me engrossed in the story from beginning to end. My only cavil is that I think the romance was a bit rushed, and not in the sense that the main characters acted upon it too soon but rather they fell in love too quick. Perhaps if the story had been a little longer their love would have felt more real. Then again given the circumstances and the times I suppose their love match could have been feasible.
All in all it was a joy to read and will definitely continue reading anything else that this author writes.

** I was gifted a copy of this story in exchange of an honest review**