Review: Tempted at Christmas by Kate Pearce, Jane Charles, and Elizabeth Essex

I had the pleasure of reading the The Haunting of Castle Keyvnor series and I loved it so much that of course I couldn’t let the chance of reading these stories pass. Although the stories pretty much take place in the same setting they are not wholly intertwined so there is no specific order in which to read the books.
The first story, Elizabeth Essex's A Merry Devil was a mix of a second-chance romance with a thrilling adventure. I particularly liked the way the relationship between the main couple developed and the little detail about the hero’s abilities was hidden until the end that also explained much about his past.
The second story was And a Pigeon in a Pear Tree by Kate Pearce. A mistaken identity of sorts created the perfected setting for a romantic tale where the hero falls for the woman that sees the man and not the title for the first time ever. If only he could forget about the responsibilities that said title represented. This one had me laughing out loud and even though I kind of saw that end coming I was still hoping it ended the way it did.
Last but not least was Jane Charles' His Mistletoe Miss. This was a sweet, clean story –no steamy or graphic sexy scenes- and the one with the most spirits and magical aspects. I thought the enchanted mistletoe was a lovely Christmas touch and the fact that it kept flourishing at the most unexpected times kept the story light.
All in all in was great read and I absolutely recommend it. I will continue reading the series and will read more from each author.
** I was gifted a copy of this book and I volunteered to read it; this is my honest opinion and given without any influence by the author or publisher.**