Cael (Mythical Ink #3) by L.S. Anders

Cael: Mythical Ink Series 3 - LS Anders

This story started with a bang. It showed us more of the world the other supernaturals creatures come from and what happened after one of the "demons" decided to stay on this realm. So far so good, but then as the story progressed there were some things that kept me shaking my head and made me go Huh? what? and why? Things that weren't congruent with what was previously said in the book and just some attitudes in general by all the characters. I wasn't too happy with the ending either, I felt it wrapped up too nicely.

Overall it was entertaining but not my favorite in the series. I'd give this one 2.5 stars for the things I mentioned above but the world building was different and unique so I'm rounding it to 3 because I think others would like this one more than I did for that alone.